If you have committed hour-after-hour to trying to locate a company which can provide you with products that can be used in both residential and commercial buildings to great effect, but have yet to be able to find one that can cater to your particular needs, have no-fear. Here at Online Insulation, we have demonstrated ourselves to be an industry leader. Not only are our materials first-class from a quality perspective; we are also incredible at offering attentive and bespoke customer service.

Should you be based in the UK, and require a company to deliver units to you in a prompt fashion, we are pleased to inform you that it is incredibly simple to get in touch. Whether you have questions relating to the Celotex XR4000 specifications, or need information regarding our plasterboard types, you can reach our representatives by calling 01509 649065.

Why use Celotex?

For those of you that have already managed to do some research into the various different types of insulation boards that are available on the market, you will already be well-aware of the options that you can choose from. Each of these will have their own unique benefits, and this can mean that you are faced with a number of difficult choices. Trying to ascertain which is going to be best for your particular project is not something that can be achieved easily.

Thankfully, in Online Insulation, you have a retailer that can provide some much-needed guidance. In our opinion. You will be hard-pressed to find a range that can match the quality of Celotex XR4000. With thicknesses ranging from 110mm to 200mm, you have a degree of freedom that other manufacturers do not allow you. Equipped with a foil-back which can promote thermal efficiency, we guarantee that the results will be nothing short of perfection.

Benefits of insulation

There will undoubtedly be a couple of you that are reading this that are deliberating as to whether or not you need to buy supplementary insulation materials for your home. After all, you might argue that the property is already complete, and this should mean that there is nothing more that can be done – the Online Insulation team begs to differ. Were you to invest in Celotex XR4000, for instance, you would be able to achieve long-term savings. Never again would you be subjected to extortionate heating bills. When you are trying to be smart with your finances, this is a fantastic course-of-action to pursue.

Exploring our catalogue

Despite what you might have heard, Celotex XR4000 is far from being the only range of products that Online Insulation can offer you access to. Above all else, we strive to be considered the countrys leading building materials supplier. For this to have become a reality, we believed it necessary to put-together a world-class catalogue of units. Today, you can expect to find everything from AIM Fire Barriers to Metal Stud and Track Packages. It is our diverse nature which allows us to continue to dominate this industry.